What's Happening in the Area?

Almelund Apple Festival
THE ALMELUND APPLE FESTIVAL is held on the third Sunday in September each year on the site of Amador Heritage Center Museum and Swedish Immigrant Log Farm. This event is geared toward educating children about life in the past - in a way so they don't even know they're being educated! It's a day of family fun for children of all ages. Bring your family and friends!

Threshing Show
The Almelund Threshing Show is Minnesota's premier event for classic tractor and farming implement fans. Vintage equipment will be on display and in use. With three days of attractions - including tractor pulls, parades and demonstrations - this annual event is a can't miss event.
Find more information at www.almelundthreshingco.org

Sno Barons Hay Days
If you're new to Hay Days, you're in for a real treat! Originally started as strictly a snowmobile grass drags event, it has grown into a magnificent extravaganza. Hundreds of racers from across the country, Canada and even Europe, travel to Hay Days for the grand daddy of snowmobile grass drag racing. Besides world record setting grass drag races, Hay Days provides a full weekend of entertainment.
At Hay Days, there are hundreds of dealers specializing in all things motor sports; from performance clutch setups to new snowmobiles to trailers to mountain extreme riding videos, it is all hereā¦and everything in-between! An event of this magnitude wouldn't be complete without the four major manufacturers: Polaris, Yamaha, Arctic Cat, and Ski Doo.
Find more information at www.haydays.com